Ruth D.
Jan 02,2023
All the reasons behind the cat meowing
So far, we have all found out that cats meow to communicate with us - humans. It would be easy if cats meowed only in one or two ways; we wouldn't need professional translators. But our curious and mysterious pets decided to make our lives more complicated.
Does my cat meow to tell it is hurt? Is it under stress; is it hungry or just bored?
According to experts, cats can make over 30 sounds and 19 variations on the simple meow.
If cat meowing confuses you, don't worry; we have found all the relevant answers.

Excessive meowing
"Why is my cat meowing so much" is not a rare question. Cat's meows might indicate there is something physically wrong with them. If your cat starts to meow excessively, please take it to the vet as soon as possible.
Sometimes excessive meowing is stress-related. Some changes at home might make your cat nervous; it might be a new pet or a baby.
Also, cats don't like too much attention but don't like being alone too. When left alone for longer, cats may become anxious and meow excessively.
Cat is just saying hello
Cats are wise, so they have learned so far that people respond to vocal communication.
Do cats say hello by meowing? Yes, they do. Meowing is their way of asking you how you are or saying welcome home when you return from work. A short meow usually means a greeting, while a drawn-out meow is more of a command.
Do cats meow for love?
Yes, the meow can be a sign of love. Our furry friends even develop a "meow language" unique to us. Maybe your feline greets you with happy meows when you come into the house or produces more persistent meows when asking for your attention. Those are all signs of love.

Cat yowling
Cat yowling sounds a lot like meowing but more dramatic.
Adult cats yowl at one another, especially during the breeding season.
Cats can make horrible noises that disturb people, but it is quite normal during this period of the year.
Is your cat bored?
Is your cat always willing to play and full of energy? If there isn't enough mental stimulation during the day, some cats may become uneasy, especially more active breeds.
Cats meow when being bored and have too much energy.
Your cat is getting older
Cats become increasingly vocal as they get older. There are two main reasons for this - deteriorating eyesight and age-related dementia. A cat meows to seek reassurance when feeling confused or anxious. Hearing loss may also cause a cat to vocalize louder than usual.
Cats don't have facial expressions like dogs; generally, they are quieter and harder to interpret.
Kittens meow to tell their mum they are cold or hungry, but once they are grown, they no longer meow to other felines.
Cats continue to meow at humans throughout their lives, which is why we hope to help you solve the messages behind their meowing.
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