Ruth D.
Jan 01,2023
Complete guide to cat body language
We all need a bit of help when reading our cat's body language. You have probably wondered why your cat bites "randomly" or gives you a slow blink, and we are sure you are misreading your furry pet. The good news is that if you follow our guide and pay attention, you will soon master cat body language and no longer wonder what your cat is trying to tell you.
The secret language of cats goes far beyond "meowing." From back rolling and various ear twitches to slow blinks, cats have specific ways of communicating that you need to be either a cat owner or an expert to completely understand.

Slow blink
Cats make a lot of gestures with their eyes, one of the most confusing being a slow blink. When a cat looks at you and slowly blinks - closes and opens its eyes, it shows its love for you. If it stares at you, be careful; this is the best moment to look away.
Cat displaying its backend
There is a sign of cat body language that is often misread. When a cat displays its backend, owners believe this means rejection. This is actually a sign of trust. Felines lift their tails to let you know they feel comfortable in your presence.
It's playtime
Cats understand the concept of play, but like kids, they may sometimes get over-excited. The Back Roll is a common way a cat shows it wants to play. When a cat wants to play, it lies down on its back and starts rolling.
Running at top speed
One of the oddest and funniest cat behaviors is when a feline starts running into the room at top speed for no apparent reason. Stay calm; this is just a simple way for your pet to tell you that it has too much energy and doesn't know what to do with it.

Cat Ear Twitch
Cats often communicate with their ears, but their owners are often unaware of that. When a cat starts twitching its ears back and forth, it means it is upset. When a cat points its ears forward, it signifies it is happy. On the other hand, when a cat points its ears backward, it feels defensive or irritated.
Why cats purr
There are several answers to the question of why cats purr. In most cases, they purr when relaxed, sending out waves of calmness. However, cats don't only purr when they are happy. As one expert wisely said, it is naive to believe cats purr only for one reason, just as we don't only laugh for one reason. Scientists found that cats are more likely to purr in stressful situations; the vibrations calm them down.
Cats are mysterious creatures, which is why they are so fascinating, but there is still a lot we don't know about them. What we do know about cat body language can tell us when our furry friend needs a little extra love or when it is time to leave them alone until they are ready to cuddle or play again.
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