Ruth D.
Dec 11,2022
Does a cat know its name? An answer might surprise you
Compared to dogs, cats are uninterested in doing something we tell them or in "answering," at least. Is the situation the same when it comes to hearing their name?
Have you noticed any difference in your cat's behavior when you call it directly and talk about other things?
Today we will dive into the cat's brain and language capabilities to determine if your cat knows its name or not.
Try a quick test with your cat at home
Say several random words to your feline with a similar intonation and length as its name, separated by around 15 seconds. Then say your cat's real name. If it starts moving its ears or picks up its head, it will likely know what you call it.
How to teach your cat its name?
Whether you choose a short and cute or a long cat name for your new kitten, there are easy ways to help your cat learn its name. Just keep vital training tips in mind. Think of their favorite thing, favorite toy, or food as a reward, as it is essential. The next thing to do is say your cat's name and reward your pet when it shows recognition.
If you use food as a reward, break it into smaller pieces. A cat's stomach is tiny, like a ping-pong ball; the motivation will be gone once that space is filled.
Do cats understand words?
Our felines lack the cognitive skills to translate and understand human language. Cats comprehend human language the same way we understand meowing.
Why is my cat ignoring me?
We have confirmed our cat recognizes its name, so why doesn't it come running when we call it? The reason is so simple – the cat is only a cat. Our mysterious feline friends are more independent than dogs and usually don't see the need to respond to our callings. However, some of them run when you call their name, and if you have a cat like this, you are one lucky cat owner.
Can you train cats any other words?
So far, we answered two critical questions - does a cat know its name, and how to teach your cat its name?
Cats are just as trainable as some of the most intelligent dog breeds; they can learn many words.
Think of valuable words such as "come" or "treat."
When you say the word "treat," give a treat to your cat.
When your feline looks at you from the other corner of the room, say "come" and provide a treat.
Your pet will soon associate the word 'come' with only moving forward and getting a reward.
Contrary to popular belief, our felines are just as fun to train as dogs. Cat training is a fantastic way to connect with your pet and teach her the meaning of several keywords.
As surprising as it might sound, many cats love training with treats, love, and patience if it is done correctly.
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