Ruth D.
Jan 10,2023
Facts you didn’t know about cat whiskers
Cat owners know perfectly well they got superheroes with unique superpowers at their homes. And the cat's body language is so clever and mysterious that it almost seems telepathic.
What is at the center of this specific body language? Cat's head, of course, with their eyes, ears, and whiskers.
Although cat whiskers look cute, this is certainly not their purpose. Why do cats have whiskers? Are they only body balancers, or do they have other functions, too - those are all the questions we will gladly answer in this article.
What are cat whiskers?
Also called "vibrissae," cat whiskers are three times thicker than regular cat fur. Their roots are also three times deeper. Cats usually have 24 whiskers - 12 on each cheek.
The whiskers must be placed symmetrically on each side of its cheeks so that the feline can accurately read its environment.
Cat whiskers are highly sensitive
Being connected to the nervous system and deeply embedded whiskers are highly sensitive. They are equipped with proprioceptors, sensory organs that send messages to the brain. These sensory organs help cats determine an object's direction, distance, and surface texture.
A cat uses whiskers to find out whether it can or can't fit through narrow spaces.
Whiskers are radar sensors
Our furry friends are known for their unique senses of smell and hearing, but their vision is imperfect. Felines see better at a distance and hardly manage to focus on objects up close.
Whiskers help cats see what is right under their noses. They detect vibrations caused by any changes in air and act like radar detectors. Whiskers alert cats in the wild to the presence of potential enemies.
Whiskers communicate emotions
Whiskers also take a break while your pet is resting; they become active together with cats. When a kitty feels threatened, he pulls the whiskers, flairs them, and then directs them toward the danger.
Whiskers are protectors
Whiskers prevent cats from getting into jams. When a kitty approaches a narrow spot in the fence or between rocks, his whiskers tell it if it can go through the passage without getting stuck.
Whiskers Shed
Whiskers are not supposed to be trimmed, but they grow and go through shedding phases like other cat hair. If you find a lost whisker, don't panic; it is expected as whiskers grow back on their own.
And if your feline breaks its whiskers, or they need to be trimmed for medical reasons, these hairs will grow back as long as the follicle hasn't suffered any damage.
Which cat has the longest whiskers?
The fluffier and bigger a cat is, the longer its whiskers are. A Maine Coon, one of the giant cat breeds, can have six-inch-long whiskers.
So far, we have discovered that whiskers have a vast range of functions and that this unique hair is essential. Next time you look at your cat, remember that this specifically designed sensory equipment guides your favorite pet through primary daily functions.
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