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    Ruth D.

    Mar 19,2023

    Great tips for introducing a new kitten to your cat

    Felines are territorial animals, and although many livepeacefully together, the arrival of a new kitten may upset that balance. Toensure harmonious coexistence of two or more cats, it is best to introduce theold and new cats slowly and gradually.


    So far, we have collected some of the best tricks and tipsfor introducing a new kitten to your cat.

    Safe space for the new kitten:

    Prepare a unique safe space for the new cat. If you have anextra room, that would be great. If not, make part of the room as comfortableas possible by providing a soft bed or blanket, a cat litter box, and sometoys. Spend a lot of time with your new pet in its space and keep an eye on itsbody language and behavior. A new kitten experiences stress from changing homesand meeting unknown people.


    Cat scent exchange:

    Cats that have been with you for a while and your new kittywill smell each other's scent on you. Exchanging scents will help them get usedto each other more quickly. Here's an exciting and effective trick - increasethe cat scent exchange by placing a sock on your hand and rubbing it over yourresident cats. After petting the "old" cat, use the same sock to petthe new one.


    First meeting:

    When you feel the new kitten is comfortable in its"safe space," open the door slightly after a day or two, so the newcat and the resident cat can see each other. If you notice discomfort in any ofthe cats, stop it by closing the door. Encourage positive association withsocializing by offering food or play. Motivate cats to play together with awhisk, a cardboard box, or any other interactive toy they like. Reward themwith treats for playing together and sharing space without conflict.

    When pets don't get along:

    You may not like some of your cat's behaviors and reactionsto the other kitty, but it's normal and expected. Cats need to agree on theirhierarchy. Only fights cannot be tolerated. If fights happen, separate thecats, take a step back and slow down the introduction process.


    Use all patience through the introduction process:

    Many cats eventually learn to live together, but introducinga new kitten to your cat can take more than a week or even a few months. Theprocess depends on both cat's personalities, so before bringing a new kitteninto the house, ensure that you have enough time and resources to handle thisprocess.

    You may have lived with cats for many years, but getting a new pet requiresextra time and patience. Taking the process slowly and steadily will make ahuge difference in their perceptions of each other. Not only will owners feelmuch better when their cats get along well, but their stress will also bereduced to a minimum.


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    Information on this Website is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your veterinarian or other healthcare professional. 

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    You should not use the information on this Website for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease or prescribing any medication or other treatment. You should always speak with your veterinarian or other healthcare professional before taking any medication or nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplement, or adopting any treatment for a health problem.