Ruth D.
Jan 24,2023
How cats choose their favorite human
An old joke says cats want to curl up on the lap of those who like them the least.
The curious question of how cats choose their favorite human is the one we will answer and remove any doubts you might have.
It is like competition if your family members are all big cat lovers as you are. Has the cat already chosen you? If you bring a new kitten, will you be its favorite person? Let's find out.
How cats choose their favorite human
In a house full of people, a cat will choose only one family member they want to spend time with the most. What makes this person different?
Cat companions are more attracted to humans who communicate with them. If you think of it, it is logical; wouldn't you like to spend your time with those who seem to understand you?
But not all cat breeds are the same. Behind the cat's preference is its personality. If your cat is, for example, the Persian breed that loves to chill and relax, it will undoubtedly go for the calm and quiet human being.
On the other hand, a playful and energetic cat such as Bengal, who loves to be active and jump around, will most likely choose a person who plays with them.
Signs you are a cat's favorite person
Cat behavior and body language are complex as our pets bond differently.
Therefore, there are several signs you are a cat's favorite person: signs that your furry friend shows to let you know you are the one.
If a cat chooses your lap, they to curl up on or relax; that must be you then.
If it rubs against you and gives you headbutts, you know you are the winner who is doing it right!
Some cats purr when being around their favorite human. Also, a cat that loves you will go around the house after you.
How to create a stronger bond with a cat
To have a kitty as a best friend, you need to match its style. Like in any relationship, communication and giving attention are vital.
We created a list of a few leading suggestions to create a stronger bond with acat.
Pet your cat as often as you can – unless it is a Persian cat that doesn't like too much cuddling and attention. Petting your cat will help it feel safe and cozy.
Talk to your pet. Cats only meow to people, not other cats, so don't miss that moment.
When watching your feline's behavior, you can figure out quickly what they love doing. Does your cat prefer interactive toys? Get a new toy or spend more time playing with your favorite pet.
Try to be more calm and quiet when your cat is around. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that can frighten them. Another good idea is to determine what your cat doesn't prefer and modify your behavior.
As far as we know, your cat's favorite person will always be someone they trust the most. They will let you know you're their favorite human and be ready to recognize those signs and be happy about them.
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