Ruth D.
Nov 20,2022
How to choose the right Cat breed for you
Every cat has its personality but shows it differently. Any cat owner will tell you how they are independent, loving, intelligent, and funny.
Future owners usually look for specific characteristics, so it may be interesting to find out more about the most popular cat breeds, such as Siamese, Maine Coon, Persian, Bengal, and American shorthair cats.

A cat from Thailand, formerly known as Siam, Siamese cats have been one of the most favored breeds in North America and Europe since the 19th century.
Siamese Cats are intelligent, talkative, and friendly. They are famous for having deep, loud voices.
How long do Siamese cats live?
Siamese cats live between 15 to 20 years old.
How big do Siamese cats get?
Siamese cats are small-to-medium-sized cats.
They usually grow up to 35 cm in length and typically weigh less than 5 pounds.
Maine Coon

The Maine Coon is one of the oldest breeds in North America.
Maine Coon is known for their sweet disposition, highly intelligent, and easy to train.
How long do Maine Coon cats live?
Maine Coon lives between 15 to 20 years.
How big do Maine Coon cats get?
The size of a Maine Coon typically comes in at 25–40 cm tall and up to 100 cm in length. These beautiful cats may weigh up to 8 kilos.

The Persian cat is a long-haired cat characterized by a round face and short nose. Around 1620 the first documented ancestors of Persian cats were imported to Italy from Persia.
Persian cats are easily recognizable for their luxurious coats, warm nature, and elegant demeanor.
One specific thing about Persian cats is that they only give attention to people they trust.
How long do Persian cats live?
Persian cats live between 12 – 17 years.
How big do Persian cats get?
Persian cats are medium-sized, weighing 37-44 cm and weighing between 3 and 5 kilos.

The Bengal cat was created from a hybrid of the domestic cat and the Asian leopard cat. The breed crossings began over a century ago; the actual Bengal species was established in the 1970s.
Bengal cats are intelligent, playful, and fun. Bengals are full of energy as kittens but also active even in adulthood. Bengal cats are playful; they love playing on their territory, and games such as the magic scratching board are great for spending energy.
They are communicative and social with people.
How long do Bengal cats live?
Bengal cats live between 12 – 16 years.
How big do Bengal cats get?
Bengal cats are medium to large. They might weigh between 4-7 kilos and range from about 30-40 cm tall.
American shorthair

The American Shorthair cat originated from cats following European settlers to North America.
The American Shorthair is a great companion cat, very calm and easygoing. American Shorthair will attach herself to every family member.
How long do American shorthair cats live?
American shorthair cats live between 15 and 20 years.
How big do American Shorthair cats get?
American Shorthair cats are 20–25 cm long.
Males are often larger than females, averaging 5 to 7 kilos, while females weigh 3 to 6 kilos.
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