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    Ruth D.

    Jan 30,2023

     Reasons behind cat kneading

    Cat kneading is typical feline behavior. Pet owners have experienced it too often; even grown cats love to knead. Kneading could be described as the rhythmic pushing of cats' paws, also known as 'making biscuits.' Cats use soft surfaces such as squishy cushions, cozy blankets, or your lap.

    There are several ideas and theories about the reason behind cats kneading and "making biscuits."

    ◉Why do cats knead soft objects?

    Kitten kneading stimulates milk production. Cats first start kneading as kittens while nursing from their mothers. They are kneading on their mums to release pheromones which can be associated with identification, health status, or bonding.


    But here is another question – why do grown cats continue to knead?

    Adult cats associate kneading with the comfort of nursing. Kneading could be retained into adulthood as it helps communicate messages.Reasons behind cats kneading

    Kneading might originate from domestic cats' wild ancestors who tread down the grass to make atemporary nest.

    Is your cat separated too early from its mother? These kittens often develop a more frequent urge toknead.

    Just like other animals, cats also mark their territory. By kneading their paws on the soft surface, includingyou, they activate the scent glands in their paw pads, marking specific items as theirs.

    Happy felines will knead to show pleasure. Cats usually knead while they are petted or when preparing aplace to take a nap.

    Cats knead on your lap to show their affection and love. A stressed cat will knead to calm itself.

    Cats are kneading to create a resting place. You know how dogs circle before lying down in their sleepingspot - the similar thing is with cats. Kneading helps cats create a nice and soft sleeping place. You are the chosen one - Cats have their specific ways of showing love to their pet parents, but if yourfeline prefers your lap for sleeping and kneading, you must be its favorite person.

    There are some speculations that kneading is limited to only female cats and that they knead when theyare trying to attract a nearby male.

    Your cat might be a yoga master, and yoga masters love to stretch.

    Cat kneading their owners

    Unfortunately, cat kneading can sometimes be painful for their owners, as the happier your pet is, the harder it will dig in with its sharp nails. Cats should never be punished for this behavior, as they don't realize it hurts us. 


    Punishing your furry friend for being comfortable around you is not a good idea. That is a sure way to destroy a great relationship with your cat.

    A soft barrier between your pet and your lap is one of the most straightforward solutions.

    If you got a cat, you likely know what kneading is but probably don't know what it is all about. Not all cats knead, but most will do it from time to time.

    Is it because your furry friend loves you "too "much, marking its territory, or simply being happy? Although we have mentioned several main reasons, you must find it yourself.


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    Information on this Website is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your veterinarian or other healthcare professional. 

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