Ruth D.
Mar 20,2023
Signs your cat is in heat
We all know, as cat owners, this is quite a noisy part of the year. Cat mating season is coming, and our pets will start desperately and loudly looking for their mate.
If you are new as a cat owner or haven't had experience, it is good to know about typical behavior and recognize several signs that tell your cat is in heat.

Estrous cycles in cats
When does a female cat have its first estrus cycle? Female cats reach sexual maturity at about six months, which means very quickly.
Female cats have between 2 and 4 estrous periods each year, lasting 15 - 22 days. If there was no successful mating, a heat cycle could last between 7 and 10 days and recur in two or three-week intervals.
Caterwauling in Cats
You certainly know your little pet and understand its everyday vocabulary. Cats meow for many reasons telling us "Hi," "I am hungry," Let me in," etc. There are moments when the usual meow turns into specific meowing called caterwauling.
Caterwauling in cats is sometimes so intense that the kitty seems in great pain. Experts believe that part of that vocalization represents an invitation to interested males.
Caterwauling is the best way for your female cat to send an unmistakable message to local tomcats. It is an announcement that says, "Come to me; I am available." Caterwauling is the loudest during quiet nights.
How to tell your cat is in heat?
>Female cats become extra affectionate and flirtatious; they start rolling on the
floor, rubbing doors, cardboard boxes, or slippers with their noses and backs.
>Only female cats go in heat, but males also exhibit strange behaviors when they
reach sexual maturity. Male cats don't have a true estrus cycle but respond to
estrus in females.
Male cats usually mark their surroundings with pheromones and urine to attract female cats and tell other males to step away.
Also, they become demanding and get into fight mode when in heat.

How should you react when your cat is in heat?
First, there is no way to avoid expulsion if the cat is not sterilized. But there are
ways to overcome this unpleasant period:
>Veterinarians advise cat owners to give their kitties the royal treatment, which
includes extra brushing and petting.
>When cats are in heat, they sometimes avoid people. So, if your pet is not in the
mood for cuddling, you shouldn't take it personally and try to get close to it.
>Entertain your kitty - Just like a child who can be distracted from anything with a
simple game, you can get your cat to think less about mating if you suggest a fun
activity. Interactive toys are the best option in this case.
Cat in heat should never concern you; it is a natural process every animal has to go through. There is no such thing as supplements or pills that will stop the cat's reproduction cycle.
Cats can be annoying, noisy, sometimes aggressive, and prone to escape attempts while in heat, but it is important to understand them and be patient.
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