Ruth D.
Mar 14,2023
Weird Cat Behavior Finally Explained
Cats can be mysterious creatures, and their strange habits and behaviors can be difficult to understand. However, it is a misconception that cats are cold animals. It's their owners who need more patience and knowledge to solve the puzzle that is a cat. In this article, we will finally explain some common weird cat behaviors, and you will feel relieved to know that there is nothing wrong with your beloved pet.
Cat Staring at Nothing
"Why is my cat staring at nothing?" is a common question that appears in Google searches. Your kitty might be seeing something that is too tiny for us to see until we get closer. It might also be looking in the direction of a specific smell or sound that interests it. According to experts, staring into nothing is normal behavior for a healthy cat.
Cats Love Sitting on Laptops or Keyboards
It's no secret - cats love sitting on laptops and keyboards. Your kitty loves lounging on the keyboard mainly because of the heat your device emits. Felines are most comfortable when they are not forced to use their energy to heat or cool their bodies. If those devices are off, then you are the reason. Many people keep laptops on their laps, and cats consider laps their favorite territory.
Cats Chatter at Birds
When cats see a bird through the window, they often start making a sound like grinding teeth. Cat behaviorists aren't 100 percent sure why cats chatter at birds, but they assume it's a way of expressing frustration at not being able to go outside and catch it. Still, others think that the rapid jaw movements are part of the Pavlovian instinct by which cats prepare their muscles for attacking prey.
Cats Eating Plastic, Blankets, and Other Non-edible Items
If the cat gently chews fuzzy objects like blankets or stuffed animals, this is usually not a problem, as this behavior is quite common. However, nutritional deficiencies, anxiety, or boredom can cause a cat to eat non-food items. There is a condition called pica syndrome, which causes cats to start eating plastic or wires. This syndrome is usually caused by gastrointestinal disorders, anxiety, compulsive disorder, or genetics.
Cat Scratches the Floor Around its Food
Burying food is an instinctive cat behavior. Cats scratch around the bowl to fake cover their food. This is not something your kitty learned as a kitten, but something that a cat does automatically without thinking. To stop this behavior, take the bowl away once your kitty finishes eating.
Cats are mysterious creatures, and sometimes their behavior can be puzzling. They may ignore us when we want their attention, lie on our laptops, stare at walls, or chew blankets. However, there is usually nothing to worry about. In most cases, everything is fine with your furry friend; it only wants to attract your attention or is simply being a cat.
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