Ruth D.
Nov 27,2022
Why do cats eat grass?
Some cat owners worry about it, but most wonder why cats eat grass. As far as we know, cats are carnivores, so it may seem unsafe, but there are many benefits to cats eating grass. Let's find out why cats eat grass, whether all felines do that, and how grass impacts their health.

Can vomiting grass be dangerous to cats?
There is a myth in the pet community that cats eat grass to induce vomiting when their stomach is upset. (1)According to experts, this does not necessarily have to be true for your cat. If your cat is vomiting every time it eats grass, or if it is more frequent than once a week, it should be checked by your vet. A cat eating grass and vomiting is not usually a cause for concern, but if you find anything else besides grass and fur in their vomit, take your pet to the vet immediately.
Is wheatgrass juice good for cats?
Wheatgrass is suitable for both kittens and grown cats. How much wheatgrass should a cat consume? Cats lack some enzymes that allow them to properly digest veggies, so they can eat wheatgrass in small portions.
Benefits for cats eating grass
Grass contains folic acid, much like cat mother's milk. Grass juices contain folic acid. This vitamin is essential for your pet's bodily functions and helps produce hemoglobin necessary for oxygen transport in the blood. Grass works as a natural laxative, and things your furry friend cannot digest will sometimes move too far down the digestive tract. They may get stuck, but grass can help when these things are stuck and make them easier to pass. This proves that grass helps cats clean their system.

Does eating grass help cats' teeth?
Outdoor cats chew on bones and grass, which helps them remove plaque from their teeth. You can easily buy 'Cat grass' seeds and pots. Pots are handy for indoor cats or felines who can only access small paved courtyards.
Enjoying the taste
Some vet experts believe that eating grass may help cats ease sore throats. Others believe cats only eat grass because they enjoy its taste and texture.
Do indoor cats need to eat grass?
Cat grass is not a vital part of their diet if the food they eat is balanced. It can provide micronutrients and vitamins A and D for indoor cats.
Is it safe for cats to eat grass?
Cats eating grass is fine if the amounts are small, and the grass is not treated with herbicides or pesticides. On the other hand, when your cat overeats grass, it may get stuck inside nasal chambers and cause excessive sneezing.
Reference: 1. https://www.greencrossvets.com.au/vets/hyde-park/
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